Siekdami suteikti geriausią patirtį, naudojame slapukus

Slapukus naudojame norėdami pasiūlyti geriausią patirtį jums. Jie padeda pasiūlyti jums patinkančią informaciją apie mūsų produktus ir paslaugas. Jei sutinkate naudoti slapukus, paspauskite mygtuką „Sutinku su slapukais“. Jei norite tvarkyti savo slapukų nuostatas, spustelėkite mygtuką „Keisti slapukus“. Jūsų pasirinkti slapukai bus saugomi 90 dienų. Sužinokite daugiau apie slapukus.

Pasirinkite ir patvirtinkite jums tinkančias slapukų nuostatas:

Savo svetainėje naudojame slapukus, kad užtikrintume svarbių operacijų ir tam tikrų funkcijų veikimą. Be šių slapukų svetainė neveiks tinkamai.

Rinkodaros slapukus naudojame tam, kad pateiktume jums individualizuotą reklamą. Asmeniniai reklamos skelbimai suteikia galimybę dalyvauti skirtingose kampanijose. Jei nenorite gauti asmeninių skelbimų, jūs vis tiek galite lankytis mūsų svetainėje, tačiau matomi skelbimai jums gali būti neaktualūs.

Analitiniai slapukai padeda rinkti duomenis apie tai, kiek klientų naudojasi svetaine, kokį turinį jie naršo ir kitą informaciją, reikalingą svetainės funkcionalumui pagerinti. Naudodami statistinius slapukus, renkančius anoniminę informaciją, galime sužinoti, kaip lankytojai pasiekia mūsų svetainę ir kaip ja naudojasi.

Vebinaras | Microsoft licensing and deployment scenarios

Kas? Helen Põdra, Kädi Horm
Kada? 2021 m. gegužės 27 d. 10:00:00
Kur? Primend

Vebinaras | How to save money on Microrsoft licensing


Question: Hello, how about shared PC licening?

Answer: Every device always needs to have an underlying Windows license. It can be purchased with the device and it is managed by the device seller. It is called the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) licenses and it cannot be purchased separately from the device. This license also lives and dies with the device. You can always buy a licenses from retail and that be used on your next device also when the old one happens to retire. When you buy an enterprise license that has Windows included in the license. That is meant as and upgrade licenses to the existing Windows licenses. It gives additional features for your Windows license e.g security.

Download presentation here.

Microsoft licensing does not need to be difficult or confusing. In this one-hour webinar Helen and Kädi will go through the main aspects of what you need to know about licensing and licensing scenarios. 

  • What are the differences between small and medium business licensing and enterprise licensing?
  • What is the difference between Office 365 and Microsoft 365?
  • What is the difference between Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Microsoft 365 E3?
  • What are the basics of Azure licensing?

Also, in this webinar we will cover what happens after you have purchased the licenses and what are the best practices we see. Once I have the licenses, how do I deploy them and make the most out of the investment. Including migration, trainings, deployment, etc. 
Once all my resources are deployed, how do I keep them up to date and keep utilizing all the features available.  How do I get support if something would happen to go wrong?

Helen Põdra is a Country Manager for Promise Estonia, a subsidiary for the largest Certified Microsoft Partner in Poland and in the Baltics, APN Promise. Helen has an extensive, nearly 20 years of experience in the IT sector, from software sales to technology competency management. Thanks to her work in various roles thorough her career, Helen has an in-depth understanding of the specifics and complexities of the licensing business. In many ways, Promise’s business is like tailoring - finding the right product, implementing it, and educating users. But as equally changing the common licensing practices, which serve no long-term value.

Kädi Horm is the Enterprise Account manager in Primend. She makes sure that bigger projects with big companies get done and get done well. All the while keeping an eye out for improvements and providing continues support. Additionally, she is the vendor manager for Microsoft. After working for Microsoft for four years, she has in depth understanding of how Microsoft licensing should be done.



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